New Look HSCP Practice Development Hub Unveiled on HSELanD
Posted on the January 17th, 2017

New Look HSCP Practice Development Hub Unveiled on HSELanD
The Health Service Executive’s Health and Social Care Professions Education and Development Unit have redeveloped their Practice Development Hub in collaboration with HSELanD and Aurion Learning.
Hosted on the HSE’s online learning and development portal, HSELanD, the revamped hub will provide educational and professional development support for practitioners in publicly funded health services in Ireland.
Health and Social Care professionals will also be able to access a wealth of useful, practical tips and resources on how and where to undertake professional development, embark on research, and how practitioners can work with students in their various teams.
As well as a new design, the refreshed hub also features personal stories from practitioners to reflect and learn from.
The Health and Social Care Hub, is one of 14 collaborative learning hubs on HSELanD developed in partnership with Aurion Learning.
Commenting on the launch of the hub, Gavin Woods, Client Services Director at Aurion Learning said:
“A significant portion of Health and Social Care professionals are community based, so we wanted to ensure that the hub re-design met the needs of all learners and managers.”
“Working collaboratively with the HSELanD team and the HSCP Unit, we created an engaging hub, using a learner led approach that applied a fresh look and feel. The new intuitive design brings greater ease-of-use, meaning that practitioners can assess the wealth of resources quickly as just in time learning assets.”
The HSELanD team with Aurion Learning secured two learning excellence awards at the recent Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards, winning a Gold Award for ‘Best Learning Team’ and a Bronze Award for ‘Best Advance in Learning Technology Implementation.’
About HSELanD:
Available to over 100,000 healthcare professionals within the HSE, health care and voluntary organisations throughout the Republic of Ireland, HSELanD provides a central source of high quality online training, learning and development.
HSELanD was developed in partnership with online learning specialists Aurion Learning. HSELanD includes:
- Over 140 E-Learning programmes and resources.
- 14 collaborative learning hubs to facilitate knowledge sharing between multidisciplinary groups.
- A classroom management feature to allow learners to register on live learning events in their organisation.
- An ePortfolio and a personal development planning (PDP) workbook and 360 competency assessment tool that allows users to plan their learning and development over time.
Media Contact
Ciara Cunningham
Tel: +44 (0) 28 9064 3211 Email: