How do you like your training eggs?
Posted on the April 7th, 2020
With this opportunity, however, comes the challenge of reacting quickly and efficiently.
Deciding whether to curate or create, wading through what options and tools to use, or selecting an overall approach that is right for the urgency of your need, can all feel overwhelming.
With Easter just around the corner, Client Services Director, Gavin Woods has paid homage to the season by outlining some training options in this Eggcellent analogy! (we blame self-isolation)
The fried egg: when you need something for the short term, quick and tasty.
Training that is short, sharp, and direct to the point. Approaches like microlearning and accelerated learning to get the message out there quickly and clearly.
Content types like PowerPoints, webinars using existing tools and self-shot videos. Hits the spot!

The scrambled egg: requires a little more thought but not difficult to do.
Priority topics with a quick if not an immediate turnaround. Use simple models to curate and structure your content for maximum effect.
Use the tools you have at hand, repurpose video input from elsewhere in the organisation for a more polished look. Consider learning authoring tools with an attractive and reusable template. It is ok to seek advice if you get stuck. Quick but tasty!
The egg and custard tart: now we are talking about a dash of expertise, advice, or support to get things just right.
Planning is well worth it and gathering the right equipment together. Choose a learning approach or model that is right for the behaviours you are trying to achieve.
Plan out learning activities like scenarios that will support these goals - as real and relevant as possible to what you want people to DO.
More advanced authoring tool features and interaction types will be needed to meet more complex needs. Bespoke interactivity and video come in to play. Yum!

The chocolate egg: a treat and something worth sharing.
Fully-fledged blended learning and tailored models come into play. Take time in planning to perfection so your learners will love it, share it,” and remember it long into the future.
Outsourced support for flagship resources, custom approaches to video, screen designs and learning experiences. You do not enjoy this every day, so it is worth splashing out, so the experience is as you dreamed, divine!

The use of online learning tools as a blended approach is not a new concept to many, but with the concept of face-to-face interaction and delivery likely to be postponed for some time, if you haven’t yet assessed if your L&D strategies and plans can hold up to your organisational and learner requirements, now is a great time to get assess your options and ensure you have all the right eggs in your basket!
If you need advice or support on how to transfer existing classroom training into distance eLearning formats, please get in touch, our team is more than happy to help.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy and Happy Easter.