Are you GDPR ready?
Posted on the March 22nd, 2018
Get GDPR ready with CourseKit
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that the biggest change to EU data protection law will come into effect in two months.
From the 25th May 2018, the EU General Data Protections Regulation (GDPR) will supersede all existing Data Protection legislation.
As part of the new regulation, The EU will impose stricter penalties for non-compliance with GDPR. Given this, it is vital that your organisation is prepared.
Greater still, organisations looking to comply with GDPR need to ensure that staff awareness and education is at the top of the agenda.
It is therefore important to introduce the appropriate training that will provide staff with a clearer understanding of the changes presented by GDPR and the obligations that will affect their day-to-day duties.
Whilst we can't remove all the complexity in which the GDPR brings, we can help you meet GDPR compliance prerequisites with a training solution that is simple, ready-to-launch and fully customisable, our Information Security CourseKit module.
Taking into account the changes that GDPR is likely to bring to data protection, our subject matter experts and Instructional Designers have incorporated GDPR related training content into our Information Security eLearning module.
The eLearning course provides a detailed introduction to the EU GDPR and emphasises key areas of changes and the necessary actions required to ensure compliance. The course also provides tips on how information should be handled within the workplace which are complimented through the use of engaging real-world scenarios that stress the importance of securing data.
Combined with relevant, up-to-date content and assessments, our online training course will provide ample GDPR training for all those who control and or process personal data in organisations, ensuring that your organisation and your staff are compliant. Alongside this, you can also add any of your own policies and procedures into the module, so that everything is in the same place.
All our CourseKit modules are fully SCORM 1.2, 2004 compliant, meaning they can be used with an LMS to enable tracking and recording of user’s progress. What’s more, CourseKit also has no user license fee or recurring charges, so the course can be re-used again and again.
If you are looking to update your training to comply with GDPR or want access to further GDPR resources contact Aurion today, our team is on hand to listen and advise.